Foundation engineering has been practiced as an art, without help of science, since time immemorial up to 1920 when it had achieved a considerable amount of refinement. It was in the earlier 1920s that a concerted effort was made to study and understand the physical laws governing the behavior of sub surface materials, i.e.. soil from which foundations derived their support and on whose behavior its own behavior depends. This is the time when study of soil mechanics was started and it was in 1919 when Karl Terzaghi, popularly known as 'father of soil mechanics', made successful attempt to explain the phenomenon of settlement on a scientific basis.
Contents of the Book
Need of Raft Foundation
Types of Raft Foundation
Survey of Available Literature
Design Approach and Consideration
Structural Designers Dilemma
Studies Carried Out on Effect of Various Parameters on Design of Raft Foundation
Studies carried out on analysis and design of piled rafts
Joints in Rafts
Summary Of studies
Factors affecting choice of method of analysis
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