الأربعاء، 19 أغسطس 2015


Environmental engineering is a relatively new profession with a long and honorable history. The descriptive title of “environmental engineer” was not used until the 1960s, when academic programs in engineering and public health schools broadened their scope and required a more accurate title to describe their curricula and their graduates. The roots  of  this  profession,  however,  go  back  as  far  as  recorded  history.  These roots reach into several major disciplines including civil engineering, public health, ecology, chemistry, and meteorology. From each foundation, the environmental engineering profession draws knowledge, skill, and professionalism.  From ethics, the environmental engineer draws concern for the greater good.

Contents of the Book

Environmental Engineering
Assessing Environmental Impact
Risk Analysis
Water Pollution
Measurement of Water Quality
Water Supply
Water Treatment
Collection of Wastewater
Wastewater Treatment
Sludge Treatment and Disposal
Nonpoint Source Water Pollution
Solid Waste
Solid Waste Disposal
Reuse, Recycling, and Resource Recovery
Radioactive Waste
Solid and Hazardous Waste Law
Meterorology and Air Pollution
Measurement of Air Quality
Air pollution Control
Air Pollution Law
Noise Pollution

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